87: Tickling my Eyeballs
February 21, 2021Shownotes
5 weeks of Battlebots in 40 minutes.
- Front matter
- Lockdown finally made Sam build things
- More on that later!
- Ryan doesn’t know what tools he owns
- Bugglebots 4K special
- Vote here! (may require time machine)
- Watch here!
- Lockdown finally made Sam build things
- 5 episodes of Battlebots 2020 in <40 minutes
- P1
- The robot is very good
- Accidentally discussing the top 32 selection
- A hypothetical 0-3 making the top 32?
- Is 3 wins a lot of wins?
- Beta
- The hammer is very good
- Magnets!
- E F F I C I E N C Y
- Firing while moving?
- Magnets!
- What have they actually proven in their 3 fights?
- The hammer is very good
- Kraken vs HUGE
- The fight is very good
- Effective flamethrower-ing
- Kraken’s forged teeth
- Tombstone vs Skorpios
- The countout is very bad
- Tombstone still seems to have a lot of mobility
- Tombstone is still being attacked
- The countout is very bad
- Unaired fights
- Fights less TV-worthy than Perfect Phoenix vs Extinguisher?
- P1
- Spinnerproof’s robot building exploits
- Ryan has access to CNC now
- How and why - work stuff
- The ‘real’ use of the machine vs the fun use of the machine
- CNC ant spinner frame
- Trying to avoid CNC-creep
- The ease and fun of designing digitally vs designing as you build
- The satisfaction of taking a hand-built robot to an event
- The ’training’ given by just watching CNC-based content online
- How and why - work stuff
- Sam has been developing a weapon setup
- “A more assertive hammer”
- PVC - prototyping wonder-material
- Using cogs, because they are cool
- Initial brushed setup
- The brushless setup
- Thanks Joe <3
- Brushless motor/gearbox setup
- Thanks Alex <3
- 1806 brushless outrunners
- Adding a gearbox
- Running multiple brushless motors
- P R E C I S I O N
- The power of using the correct screwdriver
- PoziDriv vs Phillips (Spoiler: Posidriv wins)
- Ryan has access to CNC now